lysis|lyses in English


dissolution of cells by lysins (Chemistry, Medicine)

Use "lysis|lyses" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lysis|lyses" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lysis|lyses", or refer to the context using the word "lysis|lyses" in the English Dictionary.

1. Antilysis (ant″ĭ-lī′sĭs) [ anti- + lysis] Prevention of cell death (lysis).

2. 1 word related to Bacteriolysis: lysis

3. 1 word related to Bacteriolysis: lysis

4. Tumour lysis syndrome Hyperglycaemia Protein total decreased Anorexia

5. Understanding Lysis of Adhesions Lysis of Adhesions is a surgery to cut bands of tissue that form between organs

6. Effects of actin filaments on fibrin clot structure and lysis

7. Bacteriolysis (usually uncountable, plural bacteriolyses) The destruction of bacteria by lysis; Translations

8. Test materials pass the assay if the Cytotoxic score is ≤ 2 (≤ 50% lysis)

9. Add 120 μL of sample to 330 µL of pre-Aliquoted External Lysis Buffer (300 µL Lysis Buffer plus 30 µL Proteinase K; supplied within the kit) (total input volume is 450 µL)

10. Of or pertaining to Antilysis· That inhibits lysis Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

11. A healthy patient underwent diagnostic dilatation and curettage and laparoscopy for lysis of peritoneal adhesions.

12. Auxilytic (awk′si-lit′ik) Increasing the destructive power of a lysin, or favoring lysis

13. One part of this process is Autolysis (auto = self and lysis = breakdown), which is cellular self-digestion

14. Ampicillin inhibits cell wall synthesis in the third and final stage thus finally causes cell lysis.

15. Other bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, live inside a protective capsule that prevents lysis by complement.

16. In roots of gramineous plants, lysigenous Aerenchyma is created by the death and lysis of cortical cells

17. Arterial reconstruction included bypass grafting, endarterectomy, and endovascular intervention (angioplasty with/without stent placement, thrombectomy, and lysis).

18. Ozonolysis implies that ozone causes the Alkyne to break (-lysis) Reagents : ozone followed by a simple aqueous work-up

19. Results in a potentially life-threatening blood transfusion reaction, results in blood cell lysis, indicates the presence of Agglutinogen

20. Buffer RLT is a lysis Buffer for lysing cells and tissues prior to RNA isolation and simultaneous RNA/DNA/Protein isolation

21. If the Adhesions have caused strangulation of the affected organ, then the organ may need to be removed; After a thorough Lysis of Adhesions, the surgeon repositions the organs, muscles, tissues, and closes the skin with sutures; Where is the Procedure Performed? Separation of (Lysis of) Adhesions procedure is performed in a hospital.

22. Bacteriolysis: 1 n dissolution or destruction of bacteria Type of: lysis (biochemistry) dissolution or destruction of cells such as blood cells or bacteria

23. The most common cause of cell Clumping is the presence of free DNA and cell debris in the culture medium, which occurs following cell lysis

24. The Bacteroid lysis was followed by destruction of mitochondria, as cells contained swollen organelles with degraded matrix and a very low number of cristae

25. The full course of infection (until the complete lysis of the amoebal cells) takes 17 hours on average, compared to 12 hours for Mimivirus.